$800.00 USD

Kathleen Hilchey Keynotes & Workshops


Anti-Bullying Program Trainings for Counsellors & Support Staff


CCC Pre-Training – Administrators and Counsellors

This 1.5 hour long workshop steps counsellors and administrators through the CCC process.  Through storytelling, Kathleen teaches the participants each step of the CCC process.  This workshop does not lead to becoming CCC certified, but, allows all school decision-makers to understand the concept and it’s impact on the school culture.  After this workshop, participants may sign up to be properly certified in the process. (1.5 hours)


Cooperative Conflict Coaching Certification Program

This 2-day training steps participants through a deep dive into the CCC process.  The CCC process takes the person targeted in a bullying situation and makes them the active problem solver.  This training program is reflective and interactive - participants will not only learn the CCC process, but take time to practice the methods required in the process.  Participants will be required to join a 1-hour group training program 1.5 to 2 months after the training, and complete 2 successful CCC processes with students to be properly certified.  This certification program is geared towards those in a counselling job, although teachers and administrators may apply to attend too.  Please contact Kathleen Hilchey for the application process. (2 days – 6 hours each day)



Student Coaching

Sensitivity Training

Sensitivity Training is a program for students who are using aggression or bullying to resolve their issues.  This group-based program is suitable for students from grade 4 to 12.  Sensitivity Training is booked after an assault, bullying, or harassment.  The program is 1.5-hours in length.  It helps students to think through why they are choosing aggression to problem solve, it helps develop empathy, and gives them an opportunity to make amends. (1.5 hours) 


Conflict Coaching

Conflict coaching is 1-on-1 coaching session for students after they have attended Sensitivity Training.  During a conflict coaching session, a student might reflect further on the reasons behind their behaviours, find ways to problem solve situations that are peaceful, and explore the shame that they feel around these events. (1 hour per session)


Cooperative Conflict Coaching Individual Sessions

The student targeted in a bullying situation is often the most effective problem solver.  By using the CCC process, Kathleen helps the student targeted feel understood, cared for, and empowered.  Students work with Kathleen to explore why they are being bullied, and, brainstorm solutions that might stop the bullying.  An action plan is put together to resolve the bullying, students fill out a Safety Plan, and supportive adults are looped into the process.  Typically it takes 3 to 4 1.5-hour sessions to resolve a bullying situation. (1.5 hours first session, 1 hour after that)


Sensitivity Training for Facilitators

This 2-day training will set schools up for success to run their own Sensitivity Training program.  Sensitivity Training is a program for students grade 6-12.  Students who are bullying, or who are showing aggression to resolve their issues can be referred to this 1.5-hour program.  Students have the chance to explore their reasons for their choice in behaviour, the impact of their actions, and take time to make amends.  The training includes at least 1 administrator from each school for a ½ day, and then a minimum of 2 staff Sensitivity Training leads from each school.  This program is trauma informed, and is based in Restorative Justice and other conflict management philosophies.  Training includes a training manual, the PPTs and handouts for the program.