Get to the Bottom of Bullying


Dec 05, 2022

Nervous to call me?

Fair. Bullying can be terrifying - and many people are frozen in fear - scared to make the wrong next step. You don't want to be hurt more than you already are.

I get it.

You might be asking "What is an anti-bullying specialist anyways?" Most people have never heard of this term.

I am a teacher by trade, and have moonlighted as a conflict coach through my career - I'm now doing this work full time. I help kids and adults step out of cycles of bullying, and, I can work with both the person bullying and the person being bullied. I also help people who are struggling just generally with conflict - sometimes it's a whole family, and sometimes just an individual.

My goal is to help you find new ways to handle conflict. What I have found after over 10 years of doing this work is that most people struggle to find a strong and kind voice... Once we find YOUR unique voice, your issues will start to unravel, until they to dissolve away.

A session can look just like this one. If you are a parent calling for your child, I often include the parents in the sessions. If you are an adult, you are always welcome to bring a supportive friend or family member if that makes you feel more comfortable. If you aren't local, we meet virtually on a computer.

I'll want to learn more about your situation, teach you some things, and then spend some time problem solving.

Booking a session can be scary - but, the outcome can be transformative.

Imagine your bullying ending... How might life change for you? Take a moment to FEEL how life could be different.

Use THOSE feelings to find the courage to pick up the phone.

An easy first step might be to book a Discovery Call. We'd have 15 or 20 minutes together to chat. I'd want to learn a little more about you and share with you my methods. The ultimate goal is to give you enough information to decide whether I might be a good fit for you or your child.

Does this help?

If it does, send me an email and we can talk about booking a Discovery Call: [email protected]

Looking forward to chatting soon!


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