Dec 05, 2022Isn't this so beautiful?
This quote came from one of my clients. It was her mantra.
Mantra? Yes... Part of the Third Way process is not only figuring out how to find your strong and kind voice with the person bullying you, but, understanding the truth of the relationship and solidly finding your spot in it.
Cue creating a mantra.
I will ask my clients this question: "What is the truth of this whole situation?"
The truth becomes their mantra. We write it on a sticky note and they put it in their bedroom. I tell them that they must say it to themselves before they go to bed, and when they wake in the morning.
By following through on this practice, they re-find their truth - their power - their foundation - every day. The result? They stand taller and are much less likely to give their power up.
About 50% of the time the mantra is SO successful my clients never get bullied again.
Amazing, right?