Get to the Bottom of Bullying


Dec 05, 2022

In the midst of life - of the mess, the clutter, the rushing and accomplishing, I always take time every night to write 5 things I am grateful for.⁠

Choosing this practice gives me a moment every day to focus on what went RIGHT. ⁠

The moment in this picture, encapsulates something I’m always grateful for - my son’s relationship with his Grampa. ⁠

They delight in each other’s presence, and, in my hurried and harried state, Grampa’s giggle about something my son has done brings ME back to the reality of the moment… When I shift my focus from my whirring mental state into the present, I have a chance to see something adorable or hilarious, and my mind eases.⁠

The expectation of writing 5 things down every day forces me to be more mindful DURING the day of the great things - the birds flying south, a hug between my kids, a kind nod of a passerby. So, I don’t always have to rely on Grampa to shift my focus, I can do it myself too.⁠

Being tapped into what IS helps me to lighten the load of my anxieties about the future.⁠

And, as we take on whatever important tasks we have chosen - for me it’s helping families to get to sleep, and, to help stop cycles of bullying, I can ALSO find ways to ground myself into the exceptional little moments that happen all around me every day.⁠


Feel hopeful for the first time in a long time, with the right tools you can get to the bottom of it.

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